DIY Vision Board Secrets Masterclass Video Course

Description: A self-paced video course that teaches the science behind manifestation, Amy's practical tips for achieving goals using vision boards, personal success stories, and practical exercises to gain clarity and remove limiting beliefs.

Value: Priceless.

12 in-depth instructional videos

Description: Access to 12 videos covering topics such as visualization, goal-setting, and removing limiting beliefs.

Value: $197

Future Self Visualization exercise

Description: A guided exercise to help you visualize your ideal future and set clear goals.

Value: $49

Deep Dive Goals Questions Form

Description: A form to help you gain clarity on what you want and why, to set meaningful goals.

Value: $29

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) video

Description: A video teaching a practice to remove any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from achieving your dreams.

Value: $69

Total Perceived Value: $344: You get it for $97